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How to Export Marg Data and Import in Tally Software ?



Overview of Export Data from Marg ERP Into Tally ERP 9 Software

Process Of Exporting Data From Marg Software Into Tally

Process to Resolve Issues Arising While Exporting the Data


  • With the help of Marg ERP; the user can easily Export the data from Marg ERP Software and Import it into Tally ERP 9 Software.
  • Through this effective feature, the user can Import the Complete Data i.e. Masters, Daybook/Vouchers.

Points to Remember :

1. You must need to close software from the all nodes/client system before following the further steps:

2. If the options related to Tally/Busy Export/Import do not get opened while clicking on it then firstly you need to update your tally patch before doing the export process.


For exporting the data of Marg ERP Software into Tally ERP 9 Software, the user needs to enable the power of export in Marg Software.

Export Power

Enable Export Power in Control Room Setup



Enable Export power for a User(Operator)




  • Now, go to Reports > Management Report > Utilities > Data Import/Export > Tally/Busy/ Export/Import.

  • Select “Tally 9 Import/Export option" then click on “Okay”.

  • A window of Tally Import/Export will appear:

Import/Export: In order to export the data of Marg into Tally, then select “Export Marg to Tally”.

1. Export Options: If the user requires to export both Masters and Transactions then select both the options.

2. Include Inventory: Here, if the user requires to include Inventory then select “Yes”.

3. Master File: This means that the user needs to save the Master file of Marg in which particular location. So, the user will browse and select the location.

4. Daybook File: This means that the user needs to save the Daybook file of Marg in which particular location. So, the user will browse and select the location.

5. Voucher Definition: Here, the user will select “Sales Return” & “Purchase Return” ledger in order to export to Tally as in Tally these two ledgers are not been created.

6. Voucher From: Here, the user will select date i.e. from which date till which date the vouchers needs to be exported.

  • Then Click on “Proceed”.
  • The user can view that the data is getting exported.

Fig. 1.1 Exporting Masters Data to Tally ERP 9 Software

  • Now, the user will Open Gateway of Tally > Create the Company by pressing “Alt+F3”.  The user will enter the date of that financial year of whose data is required to be imported to Tally and then enter the beginning date of the books then Press “Enter”.
  •  Then click on “Accept” to save the details. 

Fig. 1.2 Process to Create New Company in Tally ERP 9 Software

  • Now, press 'F12' on Gateway of Tally . Select “General”. 

  • A Company details window will appear. In 'Import/Export Configuration'option, Set “Yes”.
  • Then press 'Escape' key.

  • Now, press 'F11' function key. Select “Statutory & Taxation”.
  • If the user is also importing the data of GST from Marg then set “Yes” to GST and similarly if the user is importing the data of VAT then set “Yes” to VAT.

  • Then Press 'F2' function key. Select “Inventory Features”.
  • Select Company. If Godown is being created in Marg and it is required to be imported in Tally then set “Yes” to “Maintain Multiple Godown” option.

  • Once all the settings is being done then the user will press “Alt+F2” and specify the dates i.e. from which date till which date the data is required to be imported in Tally.

  • Now, from Gateway of Tally > Select 'Import Data' 

  • Select 'Masters' option.

  • Now, the user will specify that path/location in which the data of Masters of Marg was exported. 

Then press Enter. Select 'Modify with New Data' and the data of Masters will start getting imported.

Fig. 1.3 Process to Import Masters Data in Tally ERP 9 Software

  • Similarly, the user will go to Gateway of Tally. Select 'Import Data' then select 'Vouchers' and here, the user will specify that path/location in which the data of Daybook of Marg was exported.
  • Then press Enter. Select 'Modify with New Data' and the data of Daybook will start getting imported.

Fig. 1.4 Process to Import Vouchers Data in Tally ERP 9 Software

  • Now if the user needs to check the Profit and Loss of Marg and Tally i.e. go to Profit and Loss of Tally Software then the amount of Purchase Account is 29,92,183.49 and then go to the Profit and Loss of Marg ERP Software. So, the user can view that the same amount is being displayed here also.
  • Similarly, the Sale Account amount of Tally is same as of Marg ERP Software i.e. 3377845.
  • This means that the data has being exported from Marg to Tally properly/correctly.

Fig. 1.5 Process to check Profit and Loss A/c 

Fig. 1.6 Process to check Profit and Loss A/c in Tally ERP 9 Software 


  • When an error arrives in Marg then an “EXP” Error Log file is being created and when error arrives in Tally then “IMP” file is being created. So, these errors can be resolved.
  • When exporting the data if this error (as shown below) arrives then it means that the data which is being imported contains special characters in it

  • Also, if the user opens the error file “IMP” file of Tally then error is being displayed in front of the user like here “*” Error is being shown along with the Import Summary

Fig. 1.5 View of IMP Error File of Tally ERP 9 Software

  • If the special characters are shown in Company Master, Item Master, Packing or anywhere then it means that the data has not been exported properly. So, the user will remove these special characters. 

  • Similarly, at the time of exporting the data if the “Error” log window gets opened of Marg (as shown below) then the user will get a clear understanding that in which voucher there has been a mismatch in the total of the particular date. 

  • If the user needs to open the voucher No. T000162 dated 11-9-2017 then for that go to Books Menu > Entry Books > Day Book. 

  • Now, if the user needs to view the type of error in the voucher so, select the Voucher>>Press F8 Function key

  • So, the user can view that there is a difference of Rs. 9.60 in the voucher due to which there is a mismatch in the total. 

  • In order to resolve this issue/error of mismatch, then the user can correct it by simply modifying the voucher. 

So, in this way the issues/errors can be resolved.

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