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How to set Default Purchase Return Brk/Exp Invoice Format in Marg Software ?



In order to set default Purchase Return Brk/Exp Invoice Format the user needs to follow the certain steps:-

  • Firstly,Go to Masters >> Marg Setups >> Self format.

  • Enter the current date in reverse format

  • Select 'Default Invoice Formats'.

  • In next window, select the option 'Select' under Type heading for 'Purchase Return <Brk/Exp>' Format.

  • Now, the user will select the format type either GUI or DMP.
  • Suppose user selected 'GUI'.

  • After that, the cursor will move to next option to select the format.
  • Suppose user select '11 Gst' format.

  • Then Press 'Page Down' key.

  • Now click on 'Yes' to save the changes.

  • After following the above steps, the default format will be set for Purchase Return Brk/Exp Invoice Format.

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