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How to Download and Install Marg ERP Software ?



Overview/Introduction of Marg ERP Software

Process to Download Marg ERP Software

Process to Install Marg ERP Software


  • Marg ERP best ERP Billing Software has come up with a Complete Business & GST Ready Billing Software Solution for SME’s & MSME’s to provide customized software solutions and IT services for multiple domains.
  • Marg commits its excellence in services by providing online as well as onsite support to its valuable 900,000+ users by giving assistance through its 800+ support centers.


Internet connectivity must be there.

  • Then Click on "Downloads" Tab.

  • Here, the user will get 3 types of Marg Software to download which are available in Marg website i.e. Marg ERP 9+ Software, Counter ERP 9+ Software and Payroll Software (HR Xpert).
  • Marg ERP 9+ Software & Marg Counter ERP 9+ Software are same i.e. the functions and the programming are same except few differences.
  • Click on Marg ERP 9+ Software option.

  • A “Download Setup” window will appear on the screen where the user will fill in the required details i.e. Mobile no., Name, Email id, etc. as mentioned in the form to download the preferred Software and then Click onSubmit”.

  • Click on “Save to save Marg Setup file i.e. in which drive the user needs to save the file. Then downloading process will start.

We recommend that the user must save Marg ERP Setup file in the D drive or another drive as if the user gets the system formatted then all the data from the C drive gets erased. So, it is suggested that to save Marg ERP Setup in D drive or any other drive expect the C drive so that the software is safe even after if the formatting is done.

Fig. 1.1 Selecting the Drive to save Marg ERP Setup


  • Once the process of downloading is completed, then user will do extract the file and then double click on the downloaded Zip File.

  • Double click on Marg Setup i.e. MARGERPSETUP. Then click on “Run”.

  • Marg ERP 9+ Setup Wizard window will get open. Here, click onNext”.

  • The user will click on “I accept the agreement” after reading it carefully. Then click on “Next

  • Here, the user will define the path where he wants Marg ERP 9+ software should get installed. For e.g. D drive path is already being defined here.
  • The user can browse a different location or path accordingly.

We recommend that the user must install Marg ERP 9+ software in the D drive itself as if the user gets the system formatted then all the data from the C drive gets erased. So, it is suggested that to install Marg in D drive or any other drive expect the C drive so that the software is safe even after if the formatting is done.

Fig. 1.2 Process to Install Marg ERP Setup

  • Then click on “Next.

  • If the user needs the icon of the software on the desktop then tick on checkbox “Create a desktop icon”. Then click on “Next.

  • And then click on “Install”. Then click on “finish”. And finally, the Marg ERP 9+ software will get installed.

Fig. 1.3 Process to Install Marg ERP Setup

Fig. 1.4 Process to Install Marg ERP Setup

Fig. 1.5 Process to Install Marg ERP Setup

Fig. 1.6 Process to Install Marg ERP Setup

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