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How to see Voucher Summary of Duties and Taxes ?



How to See Voucher Summary Of Duties & Taxes

In order to voucher summary of duties & taxes the user has to follow the certain steps:-

Go to Books >> Duties & Taxes (as shown below).

After clicking on the DUTIES & TAXES option then a window will appear in which the user will select the month and press ALT+F1 function key from the keyboard.

After pressing ALT+F1 function key from the keyboard then the TYPE SELECTION window will appear in which the user will select the TYPE and then click on the VOUCHER SUMMARY button. 

After clicking on the VOUCHER SUMMARY option then DUTIES & TAXES summary window will appear in which the user will press the F2 function key from the keyboard. 

After pressing the F2 function key from the keyboard then the voucher summary of duties will appear as shown below.

By following the above steps the user can view voucher summary of duties.


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