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How to Cancel e-Invoice in Marg Software?



In Marg Software if the user needs to Cancel e-Invoice then it can be done easily.

Note: E-Invoice can be cancelled only within 24 hours of its creation.

Case 1. If the user haven't Cancelled E-Invoice from the E-invoice Portal.

  • Go to GST > Generate eInvoice.

  • An 'eInvoice Summary' window will appear.
  • In 'Period' the user will mention the date range of the bills.
  • Click on 'Show'.

  • Selected date range bills will show.
  • The user will select the bill that needs to be canceled and click on 'Cancel Invoice'.

  • An alert of 'Are You Confirm To Cancel Invoice No.' will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Yes'.

Case 2. If the user has already Cancelled the E-Invoice from the E-invoice Portal.

  • Go to GST > Generate eInvoice.

  • An 'eInvoice Summary' window will appear.
  • In 'Period' the user will mention the date range of the bills.
  • Click on 'Show'.

  • The user will place check Mark on the selected bill which needs to be cancel.
  • Click on 'Manual'.

  • In 'Cancelled Date', the user will mention the date of cancel or simply click on 'Put Current Date'.
  • Click on 'Okay'.

After following the above steps, the user Cancel E-Invoice in Marg Software.

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