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If an alert of ' Duplicate IRN ' appear while generating e-Invoice then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?




1. If the user has already created the e-Invoice of the selected bill and again uploading the same Bill e-Invoice.

2. If there is some issue in e-Invoice Server while uploading e-Invoice.

In order to resolve the error of 'Duplicate IRN', the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Go to Gst > Generate eInvoice.

  • An 'eInvoice Summary' window will appear.
  • In 'Period' field, the user will mention the Date Range as per the requirement.
  • Then click on 'Show' .

  • The user can view the selected Date Range Bills will be show.
  • The user will select the Bill which is showing error(as show below).
  • Suppose select 'A000031'.

  • The user will click on 'Get IRN'.

After Following the above steps, the alert of 'Successfully Generated' will appear and e-Invoice will be upload.

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