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How to Generate Bulk e-Invoice JSON / Excel Offline in Marg Software ?



Overview of Bulk E-Invoice JSON/Excel Import

Process to Upload Bulk e-Invoice JSON/Excel offline


  • Electronic Invoicing (e-Invoicing) is a system in which Business-to-Business (B2B) invoices, Export invoices, and Invoices of Credit/Debit Notes of Registered parties are validated electronically by GSTN for further use on the common GST portal.
  • Marg ERP has provided a very beneficial provision in the software through which the users can easily upload bulk invoices on the eInvoice Portal.

Charges for Bulk JSON/Excel:

S.No. Total Number of Invoices in JSON/Excel Charges

Equals to or Less than (>,=) 25 Invoices.

There will be no charges for importing

JSON/Excel to the software.


More than (<) 25 Invoices.

It's mandatory to Activate Marg Wallet and

Rs.5 will be deducted from Wallet.


  • Go to GST > Generate eInvoice.

  • In 'Period' field, the user will mention the date range for which the invoices need to be viewed.
  • Click on 'Show'.

  • Go to ‘eInvoice Summary’ window and apply the filter of Pending invoices.

  • The user will tick on the given checkbox to select all invoices or tick one by one to upload selected invoices.
  • Click on 'Generate e-Invoice'.

  • Click on 'Check For Errors' button to check if there are any errors in the invoices which are getting uploaded.

  • If there are any errors in the invoices that are getting uploaded then it will be shown here otherwise it will be shown as blank.
  • Click on 'Close'.

  • Now click on 'Offline' button.

  • Now the user will click on 'Export Josn File'.

  • Select the location where the json of the e-invoice needs to be saved and click on 'Ok'.

  • The user can view Bulk Json File will get saved.

  • Now the user will visit the eInvoice Portal.
  • Enter the ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ and click on ‘Login’.

  • In e-invoice section, the user needs to click on ‘Bulk Upload’ option.

  • Click on ‘Browse’.

  • The user needs to select the ‘json file’ on which location the file was saved.

  • Now the user will click on the ‘upload’ button.

  • The user can view the file that has been uploaded successfully.
  • Now the user can download the file through ‘Download Signed JSON’ or ‘Download Excel’.
  • Suppose click on ‘Download Signed JSON’.

Note: The user can Import the JSON/Excel to the software to fetch the details of the e-invoice in the software and to print the e-invoice and QR Code.

  • After that, the Zip of the JSON file will get downloaded.
  • The user needs to right-click on the file and extract it.

  • Suppose the file is extracted in the E-invoice folder.

  • Now the user will click on 'Import' button to Import the file downloaded from the e-Invoice portal to Print the QR Code.

  • Click on 'Import from Json File' button.

  • Select the path and file where it's saved and click on 'Ok'.

  • A Marg ERP 9+ alert of 'Want to print e-Invoice' will appear.
  • Suppose click on 'No'.

  • An upload status will be displayed where the user can view the Acknowledgment No.
  • Click on 'Close'.

  • Now the user can view the count of the 'Total uploaded' or 'Total failed' e-invoices.
  • Click on 'Ok'.

  • To view the uploaded invoices, the user will apply the filter of 'Uploaded'.

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