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How to fix ' SMTP Not configured ' alert which appears while sending E-Mail through Marg Software ?



In Marg ERP Software, if while sending an email an alert of 'SMTP Not Properly Configured' displays then this issue can be resolved easily.

In order to resolve 'SMTP Error', the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Control Room.

  • A 'Control Room' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'E-Mail Setup'.

  • Now click on ‘Accept’.

a. If SMTP: The user needs to check port if mentioned correctly or not correct SMTP port or not.

If the user has an account on Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail/Rediffmail/ibibo then the user will enter 'Smtp.gmail.com' and Port number '465'.

b. From Mail I.D: The user will now enter the e-mail ID from which the E-mail needs to be sent.

c. User ID: The user will enter the same E-mail ID, mentioned in 'From Mail ID'.

d. Want to Change Password: The user will select 'Y'.

  • Login to 'Gmail Account'.

  • From the right side of the Gmail Account, click on the 'alphabet' icon.
  • Click on ‘Manage your Google Account’.

  • Click on the 'Security' tab.

  • Now click on '2-Step Verification' option.

  • Click on 'Get Started' tab.

  • Enter the Gmail 'Password' and click on 'Next' tab.

  • The user will mention the mobile number which is linked to the Gmail account.

  • Then select the ‘medium’ through which the Code needs to be received i.e. Text Message or Call.
  • Suppose select Text message' and click on 'Next'.

  • The user will enter the OTP which is received via text message.
  • Click on 'Next' tab.

  • Now the user will turn on the option of 2-Step Verification.

  • The user will again click on ‘Manage your Account’ tab.

  • Click on ‘Security’ tab.

  • The user will click on ‘2- Step Verification’ option.

  • Click on ‘App Passwords’.

  • In Case 'App Password' option does not display in 2-Step Verification'.
  • Search 'App' after entering in the 'Security' Tab and click on 'App Passwords'.

  • The user will type MargERP and click on 'Create'.

  • After that Gmail will generate the App Password.
  • Copy this password and save it for future use.

Note: This Password will only show once, that's why save it for future use.

  • Now type the generated password (Without Space) instead of entering the Gmail Password.

  • Again mention the same password.

  • The user will now press 'ESC' key twice.

  • Now click on ‘Yes’ to save the changes.

e. Check Firewall or antivirus: Sometimes SMTP error appears because of Windows Firewall so you need to keep the Firewall disabled and if the antivirus doesn’t support the software then also exclude the software from the antivirus.

  • Thereafter, the user can easily send the bill via E-Mail.

After following the above steps, the 'SMTP not configured' alert will get resolved while sending E-Mail through Marg Software.


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