Home > Margerp > E Mail Setup > How to fix ' SMTP Not configured ' alert which appears while sending E-Mail through Marg Software ?
In Marg ERP Software, if while sending an email an alert of 'SMTP Not Properly Configured' displays then this issue can be resolved easily.
In order to resolve 'SMTP Error', the user needs to follow the below steps:
a. If SMTP: The user needs to check port if mentioned correctly or not correct SMTP port or not.
If the user has an account on Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail/Rediffmail/ibibo then the user will enter 'Smtp.gmail.com' and Port number '465'.
b. From Mail I.D: The user will now enter the e-mail ID from which the E-mail needs to be sent.
c. User ID: The user will enter the same E-mail ID, mentioned in 'From Mail ID'.
d. Want to Change Password: The user will select 'Y'.
Note: This Password will only show once, that's why save it for future use.