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Overview of Pharmarack in Marg ERP Software
Process of Pharmarack Integration in Marg ERP Software
Other Filters of eBusiness in Marg ERP Software
Process To Import Orders In Marg ERP Software
Overview Of Pharmarack In Marg ERP Software
Process of Pharmarack Integration in Marg ERP Software
NOTE: Registered Mobile Number and Registered E-Mail ID have a very important role like when the user takes the backup and restores it in any other software or gives the backup to someone and they restore it then the user has to enter the OTP received on the email id and mobile number. Until when the correct OTP is not mentioned, the backup will not be restored. This will ensure that the data is not misused.
NOTE: The user will be contacted on the details mentioned here. Suppose the user makes a major change in the registration id or company name then the information from Marg will be provided on these specified details. These contact details will also be reflected to the customers. Suppose the customers can search with the help of Registration ID.
Other Filters of eBusiness in Marg ERP Software
a. Refresh eBusiness Data: If the user wants to refresh eBusiness Data then it can be easily done.
a. Ask Free Deal: The user can easily enable Ask Free Deal in the Application.
Process To Import Orders In Marg ERP Software
After following the above steps, the user can easily integrate Pharmarack in Marg ERP Software.