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How to change HSN Code in all items of a particular Tax Rate in Marg Software?



1. Go to Masters > Ease of GST > Item GST%/HSN/SAC/Rates Updation. Press Enter.

2. An Item GST%/HSN/SAC/Rates Updation window will appear. Click on Accept.

3. An Item wise HSN/SAC Master window will appear. Press 'F7' function key on it.

4. Then a select HSN /SAC window will appear in which the user will select new desire HSN Code and then press enter on it.

5. Now, change all window will appear. In 'For Tax', the user will select that Tax Rate in which item Tax rate the user wants to change.

6. Now, in 'Type < CHANGE ALL SURE >', the user will type "CHANGE ALL SURE" and then press enter.

After following the above steps user the Tax Rate will be changed.

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