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How to Register for MR Panel on Marg Ecod Secure ?



Overview Of MR Panel On Ecod Secure

Process Of Registration For MR Panel On Ecod Secure

Process To Approve MR Request in Marg Software


  • In the realm of distribution, managing multiple companies often leads to long queues at the distributor's doorstep during stock & statement times. The overwhelming influx of MRs seeking their stock and statements creates inefficiencies. To combat these challenges, the innovative solution of the Ecod Secure MR Panel has emerged.
  • This panel features a dedicated account for each MR, granting them access to stock and sales statements of all their associated distributors under Marg ERP.
  • Not only does this alleviate the distributor's burdens, but it also saves valuable time for the MR, enabling them to focus more on their business endeavors.
  • At ECOD Secure for Companies, we've already introduced this solution, allowing to access timely stock and sales information, near expiries, PIN code sales, etc.


  • Ecod Secure Panel will open, click on 'Products' Tab.

  • Now the user will click on 'MR Panel' option.

  • Click on 'Sing Up'.

  • A 'MR Sign up' window will appear.
  • The user will mention the required fields and click on 'Send OTP' button.

  • The user will receive an OTP on the mentioned Mobile Number.
  • Mention the OTP and click on 'Verify' button.

  • A Pop-Up of 'OTP Verifed Successfully' will appear.

  • Now the user will click on 'Submit' button.

  • The user will receive an Email on the mentioned Email ID.
  • Click on 'Verify Email' button.

  • An 'Ecod Secure' tab will open.
  • The user will generate the Password as per the requirement and Click on 'Submit' button.

Note: Remember the Password to access the ECOD Panel in the Future.

  • A Pop-Up of 'Password Updated Successfully' will appear.

  • A 'Complete your Sign Up!' window will appear.
  • The Panel will auto-take the details of the Mail Id / Company Name mentioned while doing registration.
  • In 'Report' field, the user will click on DropDown.

  • Here the user will select the type of reports that need to be collected from the Distributors.
  • Suppose place a check mark on all.

  • In 'Report Freq' field, the user will click on DropDown.

  • Here the user will select the frequency for the report 'Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly' as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Weekly'.

  • In 'Division' field, the user will mention the company name of the product for which data is needed.

  • Now click on 'Submit' button.

  • The user will click on 'Distributors' tab.

  • Now click on 'Request Status' option.

  • The user will Add a distributor, from which the report is needed.
  • Click on 'Find Distributor'.

  • A 'Find GSTIN' window will appear.
  • The user will mention the GST Number of the distributor.

  • The user will place a check Mark on 'All', to get the report of all financial years otherwise, Only current financial year data will be received.

  • Now click on 'Search'.

  • The user can view the Distributor will get displayed.

  • In 'Company' field, the user will click on DropDown.

  • The Division that was provided during the registration based on that, the Company associated with it will be displayed here.
  • The user will select the Company for which data is needed.

  • In 'Report' field, the user will click on DropDown.

  • Here the user will select the types of reports that need to be collected from the Distributor.
  • Suppose place a check mark on all.

  • In 'Report Frq' field, the user will click on DropDown.

  • Here the user will select the frequency for the report 'Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly' as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Weekly'.

  • Now click on 'Save'.

  • A request will be sent to the distributor and the status will display as pending till the distributor approves it.


  • The distributor will go to Reports > Electronic Data Exchange > ECOD Secure.

  • An 'ECOD Secure' window will appear.
  • The user can view the Pending Request and details of the company and report that MR is needed.

  • Click on 'Accept'.

  • A Marg ERP 9+ alert of 'Generate New OTP for ECOD Activation Code?' will appear.
  • Click on 'Yes'.

  • Again Marg ERP 9+ alert of 'Check your Registered Mobile/Email for OTP' will appear.
  • Click on 'Ok'.

  • A Pop-up of 'Check your Registered Mobile/Email and type OTP!' will appear.
  • The user will get the OTP on Registered Mobile/Email.

  • Mention the OTP and click on 'Ok'.

  • A Marg ERP 9+ alert of 'Want to Approve' will appear.
  • Click on 'Yes'.

  • Again Marg ERP 9+ alert of 'Final Confirmation' will appear.
  • Click on 'Yes'.

  • An Alert of 'Your Approval request accepted' will appear, click on 'Ok'.

  • A 'Company Supplier Mapping' window will appear.
  • The user can view all the company names and suppliers.

  • If any Company is not Mapped with the Supplier, the user needs to map it.
  • The user needs to place a check mark on the supplier which needs to be mapped with the company name.

  • Suppose place a check mark on 'Seagull Pharmaceuticals (P) LTD' to map with 'Elder India'.

  • Similarly, the user will map Other companies as per the requirement.
  • Click on 'Save'.

  • On the Dashboard, the user can view the distributor 'ECOD Secure' will be added.

  • Also when the MR go to Distributors > Request Status.

  • The MR can view the request status has been changed to 'Approved'.

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