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How to Refresh Sundry Debtors Outstanding in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Reports > Management Report > Utilities > Edit Outstanding > Refresh: Debtors.

A 'Refresh Debtors' window will appear.

a. Ledger Outstanding: Select option if needs to refresh only Ledger Outstanding.

b. Other Outstanding: Select option if needs to refresh Stock Issue Outstanding.

c. Both Outstanding: Select option if needs to refresh both Ledger and Stock Issue Outstanding.

Suppose select 'Ledger Outstanding'.

A 'Ledgers Outstanding' window will appear.

a. On A/C Ledgers: Select the option if needs to Refresh only those Debtors whose Balancing method is 'On Account'. 

b. Whole Ledgers: Select the option if needs to Refresh all Debtors.

Suppose select 'On A/C Ledgers'.

A 'Ledger Outstanding On A/C Ledgers' window will appear.

a. New Reference: Select option if needs to refresh outstanding only with those bills which are in New Reference.

b. FIFO: Select option if needs to refresh outstanding on FIFO bases i.e, (Bill created first, that bill outstanding will adjust first).

Suppose select 'FIFO'.

  • Now, the user will type 'SURE' and Press 'Enter' key.

After following the above steps, the user can view Debtors Outstanding will get Refresh in Marg Software.

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