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If 'Some Transaction is available for this Item' alert appear while deleting an Item then how to resolve it in Marg Software?



If while deleting an item, software shows an alert 'Some  transaction is available for this item' then this issue can be resolved:

Fig 1.1 : View of an alert while deleting an item.

Fig 1.2 : View of 'No transaction in item register'.

  • Go to Books Entry Book > Item Day Book.Press 'Enter'.

  • An 'Item Day Book' window will appear in which the user will feed the date range.
  • Press 'Enterkey.

  • All the selected date transaction will appear, select the item and then press 'Enter' key.
  • Suppose, select 'AMOX'.

  • Now the user will click on 'Delete' tab.

  • Then an alert of 'Be careful !'  window appear.
  • Click on 'Yes' to delete the selected transaction.

After following the above steps, software will allow user to delete the item.

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