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How to view Sale Book in Marg Software ?



  • Go to Books > Entry Books > Sale Book.

  • A 'Sale Book' window will appear.
  • In ‘From’ and ‘Toenter from which date to which date the user needs to view the Sale Book.
  • Suppose enter '01-04-2018' and '31-03-2019'. Press 'Enter' key.
  • In ‘Selected Ledger’, the user will select whether or not to view the Sale Book of a selected ledger.

CASE -1 If the user selects ‘No’

After following the above steps, Sale Book Report will get generate.

CASE-2 If the user selects ‘Yes’

  • A 'Ledger' window will appear.
  • The user will select the ledger whose sale book needs to be view.
  • Suppose select ‘Shree Krishan Pharmaceutical’. Press 'Enter' key.

After following the above steps, particular Party Sale Book report will get generate.


1. Go to Transactions > Sale > Modify Bill.

2. A 'Modify' window will be appear in which the user will select options as per the requirement i.e. Bill date, Bill No. etc. and then press 'Enter' key on it.

3. Now a 'Sale Book As On' window will appear. Press 'Alt+P' key.

4. Thereafter, a 'Report Filtration' window will appear. In 'Report/Invoice', the user will select 'Report'.

5. Now, In ‘From’ and ‘To’ enter from which date to which date the user wants to view the Sale Report.

6. Then click on View/Print according to the requirement.


1. Go to Reports > Sale Analysis > Sale Book. 

2. A 'Sales Book' window will appear. In ‘From’ and ‘To’ enter from which date to which date the user needs to view the Sale Report.

3. Now, the user can select other options as per their requirement.

4. Click on 'Accept'. 

5. A 'Sales Book' window will appear. Press 'Alt+P' key.

6. Then click on 'View/Excel/Print' as per the requirement. 


1. Go to Reports > Sale Analysis > Consolidated Sale Book. 

2. A 'Consolidated Sales Book' window will appear. In ‘From’ and ‘To’ enter from which date to which date the user needs to view the Sale Report.

3. Now, the user can select other options as per their requirement.

4. Click on 'Accept'. 

5. A 'Consolidated Sales Book' window will appear. Press 'Alt+P' key.

6. Then click on 'View/Excel/Print' according to the requirement. 

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