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How to filter sale report on the basis of amount ?



1. Go to Books > Entry Books > Sale Book. Press Enter.

2. A Sale Book window will appear. In ‘From’ and ‘To’ enter from which date to which date the user wants to view the Sale Report.

3. Then press Enter on it.

4. Then, again a Sale Book window will appear. Press 'F5' on it.

5. A Filter window will appear. In 'Dr/Cr >= Or Dr/Cr <=' Option, the user will mention the amount upto which amount the user wants to filter sale report.

6. Now, the user will keep pressing enter and click on 'Filter' tab to filter report according to the amount.

7. Thereafter, a Date Range window will appear. In ‘From’ and ‘To’ enter from which date to which date the user wants to view the Sale Report then press Enter on it. 

8. After following the above steps, the report will get displayed according to the mentioned amount.

9. Press 'Alt+P' and click on View/Print/Excel/PDF button as per the requirement.

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