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How to modify the Payment Entry of Selected Party in Marg Software?



  • Go to Books >> Entry Books >> Payment Book.

  • A 'Payment Book' window will appear in which the user will enter the Date Range.
  • In 'Selected Ledger', the user will select 'Yes'.
  • Then press 'Enter' key.

  • A 'Ledgers' window will appear.
  • The user will select the party whose payment voucher needs to be modified.
  • Suppose select 'Ranbaxy India Ltd.'

  • Selected party all payment vouchers will get displayed.
  • The user will press 'Enter' key on  the payment Entry which needs to be modified.

  • A 'Voucher Modification' window will appear.
  • Now, the user will click on the 'Modify' button.

  • Then user can make changes according to the requirement.
  • Suppose user change mode of payment from 'Bank Of Baroda' to 'Cash'.
  • Then press 'Ctrl+W' key to save the changes.

  • Now, the user will click on 'Yes' under save changes window.

After following the above steps, the user can modify the payment entry.

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