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How to resolve Fatal Error in Marg Software?




1. Antivirus

2. System Securities & Permission.

3. Junk Data

4. Firewall 


1. Antivirus Issue: If the folder of the software gets included in the antivirus so user needs to Exclude Marg folder from the antivirus.

2. Security & Permission Check : If software does not have permissions which are required, so the needs to check the Security and Permissions which have been given to the folder or drive.

3. Junk Data: The user needs to Clear the Junk Data.

4. Firewall: The user needs to Disable Firewall.

Note: If the issue remains same then user needs to install the new setup of Marg, then check whether the Fatal error appears in new setup or not.

  • If in New Setup again Fatal error show then user needs to format the window or to change the system.

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