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How to resolve error of ' Margwin Stop Working ' which appears while Saving or Printing Bill in Marg Software ?




1. Antivirus

2. System Securities & Permission.


1. Antivirus IssueSometimes the folder of the software gets included in the antivirus so user needs to Exclude Marg folder from the antivirus.

2. Security & Permission Check : Sometimes software does not have that permissions which are required, so that user also needs to check the Security and Permissions which have been given to the folder or drive.

3. The user needs to Delete Temporary Files.

4. If the issue remains same then user needs to install the new setup of Marg and then Recover MST in New setup.

5. The user needs to Update System.


1. Go to Master > Marg Setup > Control Room.

2. A 'Control Room' window will appear > The user will select ‘Search in All’. 

3. Then user will Search 'Error' > Now click on ‘Accept’.

4. An 'Error' window will appear. In 'Check errors of transaction saving S-Sale/Purc Bill A-All Bills X-No' set 'X'.

5. The user will now press 'ESC' key twice >Then click on ‘Yes’ to Save changes.

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