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Home > Margerp > Error Queries > If ' D / MARG_protected_BACKUP PASSWORD.TEXT error ' appears while taking IMP Backup then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?

If ' D / MARG_protected_BACKUP PASSWORD.TEXT error ' appears while taking IMP Backup then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?




This error appears when the Securities & permissions to the Marg Files are not properly granted.

In order to resolve error 'D/MARG_protected_BACKUP PASSWORD.TEXT ERROR', the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • The user will ‘Right Click’ on Marg Icon on Desktop.
  • Click on ‘Open File Location’.

  • A 'Data Base' files of the software will appear where the user will search ‘bsvaultApp’ file.

  • The user will Right Click on the 'BsvaultApp' file.
  • Click on ‘Run as Administrator’ option, a window will appear then click on 'Yes'.

  • Now, the user will minimize the window.

  • Again go to Desktop and Right Click on 'Marg Icon' to run the software.
  • Click onRun as administrator’ then click on 'Yes'.

After following the above steps, error of D/MARG_protected_BACKUP PASSWORD.TEXT ERROR' will get resolved.

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