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How to resolve Syntax / DBF / Program Error and Speed issue in Marg Software ?



In Marg Software sometimes shows an error at the time of opening it (as shown in the below image), then it can be resolved easily.

1. Corruption in Database File: It can be caused due to Power failure, Shutdown system without closing the software, etc.

2. File locking problems (Security Check): It restricts access to a computer file by allowing only one user or process to modify or delete it in a specific time and to prevent reading of the file while it's being modified or deleted.

3. Large no. of temporary files: It can also be a cause for DBF error because a large no. of temporary files may lead to the junk in system and it can corrupt the data as well.

4. Antivirus Issue: It becomes a cause for DBF Error when the antivirus doesn’t support the software or the folder of Marg gets included in the antivirus.

Whenever a DBF file is damaged due to any reason then we have many ways to fix it. 

1. Run Error Checking: Firstly the user needs to Run error checking in the software, however, if the problem remains the same then move on to the next step.

2. Remove CDX and Temporary file: Thereafter, the user can also check it by deleting Temporary files of the software.

3. Take IMP Backup: Thereafter, the user needs to take the IMP Backup to check whether there is any corruption in a database file.

  • If, Yes then simply user can recover that database file and then the problem will be resolved.
  • If, No then the user needs to follow the next step.

Note 1: Sometimes the error may be resolved by taking the IMP backup.

4. Antivirus Issue: Sometimes the folder of the software gets included in the antivirus so the user needs to Exclude the Marg Folder from the antivirus.

Note 2: Sometimes the error will get resolved only by uninstalling the antivirus because some of the antivirus doesn’t support the software i.e. bytefence.

5. Security Check: Sometimes software does not have the permissions that are required, so the user also needs to check the Security and Permissions that have been given to the folder or drive.

6. Install New Demo: If the issue remains the same then the user needs to install the new setup of Marg, and then check whether the DBF opens in the new setup or not.

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