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If Transaction Amount is posting in 'ZZZ Suspense Account' then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?



In order to resolve this issue, the user will follow the below steps:

1. Go to Masters > Ledger Master > Modify Ledger. Press Enter.

2. A Ledger Alteration Window will appear. Press 'F3' function key on Suspense A/C ledger.

3. Select Ledger Details.

4. modify ledger window will appear. Click on Modify .

5. In 'Ledger', the user will enter that party name,whose transaction amount is being posted in the suspense account.

6. Now, in 'Account Group', the user will select "No" and change the account group according to the requirement.

7. Then press Ctrl+W to save the changes.

Note: If the problem remain same after following the above steps then the user Run Default Sale & Purchase Type.

Note:- This option only works in Mandi Setup.

1. Go to Masters Marg Setups > Control Room. Press Enter.

2. Control Room window will appear. Select ‘Search in All’. Press Enter.

3. Search Trading”. Now click on ‘Accept’.

4. Trading window will appear. In ‘Item wise Trading Account.If required Type #7%’, the user will remove “#7%”.

5. The user will now press Escape key twice. Click on ‘Yes’ to Save changes.

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