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When upload GSTR1 on the Offline tool then showing an error of Duplicate HSN?



1. Go to Taxation > GSTR 1Press Enter.

2. Marg GST summary window will appear. In 'Period & To', The user will specify the date which date to which date the user required.

3. Then click on the Show tab.

4. A selected date wise GSTR1 report gets generated. The user will click on 'GST Summary'.

5. A GSTR1 summary window will appear. Select HSN-wise tax summary.

6. HSN Summary window will appear.

7. Here, the user will click on the selected HSN, then bills details will show below.

8. The use will note the bill number and date in which showing error.

9. Then the user will correct mention HSN details and save it.

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