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If 'Manually Deleted' error appears in Software then how to resolve it in Marg Software?




 This error appears because of the corruption of Dis File, which contains all Sale Bills details and there are following things which needs to keep in mind while doing the recovering process.

Note: 1. Make sure that user has copied the Marg Folder and have pasted it in another location for the safety purpose.

 2. Check the extension code of the company and the data base file (both should be same).

In order to resolve the error of 'Manually Deleted, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Firstly, click on 'Exit' button from main screen of the software.

  • A 'List Of Companies' window will appear.
  • The user will press 'ESC' key.

  • Now on Exit window, the user will click on 'Yes'.

  • Now the user will select 'Backup' and press 'Enter' on it.

  • Now the user can view all the companies created in the software.
  • Select that company in which the error of 'Manually deleted' appears.

Note: All the companies will be selected by default, but if the user need to select/unselect then this can be done by pressing 'Spacebar' key on it.

  • Suppose, select all of these companies.

  • Now the user can view the details of the corrupted file.
  • In 'Self Backup Path', the user will mention the path (though it will be picked by the software itself) where the user has taken the backup (which id required to recover the corrupted file).
  • Press 'Pagedown' key.

  • A 'Backup Recover From' window will appear, the user can view all the saved backup.
  • The user will select one of the latest backup (from which the file needs to be recovered).

  • An 'Attention Please' window will appear.

a. File Name: The software will show the name of the corrupted file.

b. Files Reload: Select the option as per the requirement.

1. Only This: Select if the user need to recover only the corrupted file.

2. All files: Select if the user need to recover all the data base files of the software.

  • Now the user will type 'SURE' to confirm the recover process.

  • The user can view that the selected file is being recovering.

After following the above steps the software will get closed .

Now the user can view that the error of 'Manually Deleted' will get resolved.

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