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If " Bs Vault App " alert appears in Software then how to resolve it in Marg ERP Software ?




'Bs Vault App' error appears, when the Chilkat file doesn't registered on the system.

  • The user will right click on Marg Software Icon.

  • The user will select ‘Open File Location’.

  • Now the user will search & copy ‘Chilkat32.dll’ File by pressing ‘Ctrl+C’ key. 

  • The user will go to ‘C Drive’ and press 'Ctrl+V’ key to paste the copied file.

  • Now in Start program the user will type ‘CMD’.


  • The user will right click on the ‘CMD’ and select ‘Run As Administrator’.

  • An 'Authentication' window will appear where user will select ‘Yes’.
  • Then the user will type ‘cd\’. Press ‘Enter’ key.

  • Then type ‘regsvr32 chilkat32.dll’. Press ‘Enter’ key.
  • An alert of ‘DllRegisterServer in Chilkat32.dll Succeeded’ will appear where the user will click on ‘OK’.

After following the above steps, 'Bs Vault App' error while taking IMP Bcakup will get resolved in Marg Software.


Bs Vault App error also appears when Bs Vault App not running as Administrator. 

In order to resolve Bs Vault App error, the user needs to follow the below steps :

1. Go to Desktop > Right click on Marg Icon > Click on Open file location.

2. A 'Marg folder' will get open where the user will search 'Bs'.

3. On 'Bs Vault App', the user will right click and select 'Run as Administration'.

4. A 'Bs Vault' alert will be appear. Click on 'Yes'.

5. Now the user will press 'ESC' key and Restart software.

Note: Start the software Run-as Administrator also.

  •  Press 'Window+R' key, then type 'REGEDIT' and click on 'Ok' button.
  • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > System.
  • Double click on 'EnableLUA' option.
  • In 'Value Data' the user will mention '0' and click on 'Ok' button.
  • After this, the user needs to restart the System.
  • Go to Desktop > Right click on Marg Icon > Click on Open file location.
  • 'Marg folder' will get open where the user will search 'Bs'.
  • The user will copy the Bs Vault App file by pressing 'Ctrl+C' key.
  • Then, the user will go to C Drive > Windows > System and press 'Ctrl+P' key to paste the file.
  • Similarly, the user will paste the above file in C Drive > Windows > System and C Drive > Windows > SysWOW64.

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