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How to resolve E-Return mismatch error in Internal Audit in Marg Software ?



In order to resolve this issue, the user needs to modify that Sale & Purchase Type in which type of bills 'E-Return Mismatch' error is appearing.

Process to modify Sale Type

1. Go to Masters > Ledger Master > Sale > Modify Sale. Press Enter.

2. A Sales type window will appear. Select sale type and then press enter on it.

3. A Sales type window will appear in which user will modify the all fields by pressing enter on each and every field.

Process to modify Purchase Type

1. Go to Masters > Ledger Master > Purchase > Modify PurchasePress Enter.

2. A Purchase type window will appear. Select purchase type and then press enter on it.

3. A purchase type window will appear in which user will modify the all fields by pressing enter on each and every field.

After following the above steps the user needs to Re-Save that bill in which the 'E-Return' error is appearing.

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