Check extension > Delete/Rename corrupted extension financial year file. Start Software > On Marg gateway Press "Esc" key > "Save To Quit" "Yes" >Window will ask option of "Backup" > Select "" /> How to recover Sale Type file in Marg Software ?

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How to recover Sale Type file in Marg Software ?



Note : First Copy MARG Folder for safety Purpose...

Go to Marg Folder > Open Data folder > Search "Sale Type" >Check extension > Delete/Rename corrupted extension financial year file. Start Software > On Marg gateway Press "Esc" key > "Save To Quit" "Yes" > Window will ask option of "Backup" > Select "Financial Year/Company" > Press "Enter" Software will ask about "" recovery and path of backup exist > Select backup file from which you want to recover > Start software > On Marg gateway > Press Enter on "File Maintenance".

Note:- In case company name,hsn etc.. not recover than corrupt sale type and pro file than recover both file.

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