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How to Change Path of Financial Year Backup in Marg ERP Software ?



Overview Of Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software

Process To Change Path Of Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software

Overview Of Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software

  • While using accounting software, the security of data is as important as its accuracy. It is necessary to ensure that the data remains secure for the smooth working of the organization. There can be circumstances in which the data may get corrupted. In such a case, if there is a backup of data, then it can be restored from the backup and the work can be continued without any hindrance. 
  • In Marg ERP Software, the user can easily take the backup of data and the user can also change the path of backup as per the requirement.

Process To Change Path Of Financial Year Backup In Marg ERP Software

  • While taking Financial Year Backup, the user will press 'F10' key on the path (as shown in the below image).

  • The user will select the directory as per the requirement and then click on 'Ok' button.
  • Suppose select 'Backup' folder.

  • Then, keep pressing 'Enter' key to take backup.

After following the above steps, the user can change the Path of Financial Year Backup in Marg ERP Software.

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