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What is the Process of Frequent Voucher in Marg ERP Software ?



Overview/Introduction to Frequent Voucher in Marg ERP software

Process of Frequent Voucher in Marg ERP Software


  • Frequent voucher option is used to generate the vouchers in bulk with the help of certain criteria.
  • With the help of single entry we can define the annual ,monthly, daily expenditures for whole year. Usually this option is used to adjust the amount of whole year expenses. The major benefit of this option is that we do not need to pass the entry on daily basis it will also save the time.
  • For Eg; We have decided that we need to generate the vouchers for Advertisement Expenses Rs.68000, So we can generate the frequent voucher for whole amount with the help of single entry. After that automatically it will create the vouchers and post the amount in there ledger.


    The frequent vouchers can be generated on the four basis are as follows:

    1) On Amount 

    2) On Sales

    3) On Purchase

    4) Less/Add in Frequent Voucher


    •  Go to Accounts >> Frequent Vouchers.Press Enter.

    • Suppose we want to generate the entry for 'Advertisement Expenses'.Press Enter

    • After that the below-mentioned screen will appear in this screen we will define the criteria on that basis our vouchers will be generated.

    During this process, we can also define certain conditions such as:-

    a) Amount Range : We can set the Lower and Higher amount range so that it will post the voucher in this range criteria.

    b) Define the period : We can define the date period for which it will generate the voucher.

    c) Days Interval: If we want the gap between the two voucher entries then we can define the Days Interval.

    d) Ignore Day: If we want that we can’t post vouchers on Sunday then with the help of this option it will not pass any entry on Sunday.

    e) Ignore Holidays : If we have select this “NO” then it will not post any entry on Holidays. But first, we need to declare the Holidays in our Marg Setup.

    f) Rounded Up to If we want to round off the amount so we can define here.

    g) No of Random Narrations : We can define the number for random narration.

    h) Total amount to be distributed: Software will automatically calculate the amount which will be adjusted in these vouchers.

    i) Add/Less in per day entry: If we want to Add/Less some amount in daily entries then here we can define the amount.

    • Now the software will ask for the narration, therefore mention the narration as per the requirement.

    Note: In the above-shown image we've mentioned '1' in ''No of Random Narrations'' , therefore the software will only ask for 1 remark respectively.


    • After that processing will be start and once the process will be completed then press TAB key to save these entries.

    • The user will select 'Yes' to save the changes.

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