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IF 'Error: Unable to upload backup FTP' error displays at the time of FTP Backup and Restore then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?



In Marg Software, if the user is facing issue at the time of Taking FTP Backup and Restoring it then it can be done easily.

In order to resolve FTP Backup issue, the user needs to follow the below steps:

1. Run as administrator to the Software

2. FTP Upload/Download Check

3. Antivirus exclude or close Antivirus

4. Firewall & Defender

5. Internet explorer

6. Port block from internet provider side

Different Settings for FTP Backup:

1. Run As Admin

2. FTP Upload/Download Check

  • Go to Masters > Marg Setups > May I Help You ? > FTP Upload/Download Check.

  • A Marg ERP 9+ alert will appear where the FTP must be PASS.
  • Click on 'Okay'.

3. Antivirus Exclude or Close Antivirus

4. Firewall & Defender

  • 4.1  Exclude the Marg folder in windows defender.

  • 4.2 Try Again after closing the firewall.

5. Internet explorer-

How to activate and deactivate FTP settings in internet explorer ?

  • The user needs to either enable or disable this setting in order to allow Internet Explorer to work as an FTP client with a given FTP Server.
  • Step 1: Press 'Win+R' key to open the Run dialog box, then enter (inetcpl.cpl) and select 'OK'.
  • Step 2: In Internet Properties dialog box, go to 'Advanced' tab.

  • Step 3: Search the setting i.e. Enable FTP folder view (outside of Internet Explorer)
    which is located in the list of settings.
  • The Passive FTP mode in Internet Explorer does not work unless this feature is disabled.

  • Step 4: Locate the setting called Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility) approximately halfway down the list of settings.
  • In order to disable the feature, clear the check box. When it is enabled, Internet Explorer uses Passive FTP.

  • Step 5: Click on 'Ok' or Apply to save the Passive FTP settings.

  • After this process it is not necessary to reboot your system.
  • Step 6: In this advanced setting, the user can view that there is one more option ‘International’. The user can click on all the boxes of international.

6. Port block from internet provider side

  • If internet port is blocked by the internet provider then the user needs to contact with the provider and ask them to open the port.

The user can check whether the port is blocked or not by following the below steps:

Basically, the user uses port 21 for FTP backup, so the user needs to check that whether the port 21 is open or not in that particular system.

  • Go to Control Panel > Program and Features.

  • The user will click on ‘Turn Windows Features On or Off’.

  • A ‘Window Features’ window will appear.
  • The user will place check Mark on ‘Telnet Client'.

  • It will take some time in the installation process.
  • After the installation process is completed, the user will run CMD command.

  • Run command telnet 21.

  • If the user will get blank or a window as shown in the image, then it means that the port is open.

And if the user gets any error then they need to ask to their provider in order to open the port 21 for this network or Close the router and internet connection & use Wi-Fi through mobile hotspot in order to check it.

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