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How to resolve this issue, if stock feeding window not appear while pressing insert key on item ?



Overview: In Marg software there is an option to transfer the stock of batches. The user can also feed stock manually through insert key.

However, if the user can’t be able to do so because stock add/less window appears instead of stock feeding then to resolve this issue follow the given steps:

  • Firstly, Go to Masters > Password & Powers > Operator's. Press Enter.

  • A Password & Authority window will appear.
  • Select the user to make changes. Then Press Enter.

  • A Powers window will appear in which the user will selectSearch In All’.

  • An Insert window will appear.
  • In ‘Edit Batch Closing Stock on Insert key’ the user will set ‘N’.

  • The user will now press Esc key.

  • Again press Escape key and then click onYesto save the changes.

  • A 'Powers Change' POP-UP will appear and then the user will press ESC key.

  • Press Escape key and then click on ‘Yes’.

  • Now for Re- login the user will press Ctrl + U on the main screen. 

  • A Change User window will appear in which the user will enter the User ID and Password.

  • A Change User window will appear in which the user will press ESC Key.


1. Click on Exit button on main screen.

2. A list of companies window will appear. Select company and then press 'F3' function key.

3. A company alteration window will appear. In 'Working style', select "Self secondary".

4. Then press Ctrl+W to save the changes.

After following the above the user can edit stock through insert key.


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