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How to resolve error of 'Operator/Operand type mismatch in hsn wise tax command' at the time of printing?



Cause: This error appears when there is issue in Pixels of HSN wise tax command.

In order to resolve this error user needs to follow below steps:-

1. Go to  Master > Marg Setups > Self format. Press Enter

2. A Self Format window will appear in which the user needs to Feed password as reverse date format(yy/mm/dd).

3. Select Invoice format-DMP/GUI.

4. A Format window will be appear then user will feed Format name.

5. The user will select 'Bill Format'.Press Enter.

6. A Bill format window will be open then  click on Sundries Total  and replace LTX WITH LW in hsn (Sl_MSG) command .

7.Then the user will press Ctrl+W and Click on Save.

After following the above steps the issue will get resolved.

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