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How to Delete Temporary File in Marg Software ?



In order to delete temporary files from Marg Software ,the user needs to follow the below steps:-

  • Go to the 'List Of Companies', then select the company and then press 'ALT+P' key.
  • Suppose select 'Marg Pharma Distribution'

  • A 'Licence Information' window will appear in which the user will select the 'Delete Temporary Files'.  

  • A 'Delete Temporary Files' window will appear in  user will TYPE 'SURE' .


After following the above steps, the user can delete the temporary files in the Marg Software.


1. Go to System > Search 'Run'.

2. Type 'Temp' > Click on 'Ok'.

3. All Temp will show > Select All Files and press 'Delete' key to delete all files.


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