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How to Reset Marg software password ?



In Marg ERP Software, the user can easily change the password of the software for security reasons or reset it if the user has forgotten the password.
In order to Reset the software password, the user needs to follow the below steps:  

  • Firstly, the user needs to enter 'DELETEPASSWORD' Or 'FORGETPASSWORD' beside the user id option.

  • An alert of 'Generate new OTP' will appear. Click on 'Yes' to generate OTP.

  • Once the user will click on 'Yes' then an OTP will be shared on the Reg. Mobile No. and E-mail id for the purpose of reset password of the software.
  • Then click on 'Ok'.

  • The user will enter the OTP > Then click on ‘Ok’ in order to reset password of the software.

  • A 'New Password' window will appear in which the user needs to enter new software and supervisor password as per the requirement.
  • Suppose Enter 'Software Id & password @Marg'.
  • And 'Supervisor Id & Password @A'.
  • Then click on 'Accept'.

  • Then an alert of 'Password changed successfully' will appear. Click on 'Ok'.

After following the above steps, the user can reset software password as per the requirement.

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