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How to update Marg Software ?




**Important** : Firstly, the user needs to close the software from all systems (on which the software is open).

**Important**: The user needs to take the Backup of the financial year or Copy Marg ERP folder in a drive in order to secure Marg Data.   

Overview of Marg ERP 9+ Software

Process to Update Marg ERP 9+ Software


  • Marg ERP 9+ Software; most advanced Inventory and Accounting Software which helps to manage and control the day to day business operations efficiently and effectively.
  • It is the one-stop destination for business accounts & inventory related problems as the user can easily get to create & compare several vital reports while the taxes & inventory is managed automatically.
  • Marg ERP 9+ Software helps in making appropriately informed decisions for maximizing the organizational objectives and polishing business. 


  • In order to update Marg ERP 9+ Software, visit our official Marg website i.e. www.margerp.com.

  • Then click on 'Downloads' Tab.

  • A 'Download Software' window will appear to download which are available in Marg website i.e. Marg ERP/Counter ERP 9+ Software and HRXpert Payroll Software.
  • Marg ERP9+ Software & Marg Counter ERP9+ Software is same i.e. the functions and the programming are same except few differences.
  • As there is a need to update the Software when there is any new development or improvement in the software. So, Click on Marg ERP 9+ Software option.


  • A window of 'Download Setup' will appear with a form where the user will fill in all the mandatory details i.e. Mobile no., Name, Email id, etc. and then Click on “Submit”.

Note : The user will make sure that check box needs to be selected properly, else the process can't be completed to the further extent.

  • A 'Save As' window will appear where the user will select that location where the setup needs to be saved.
  • Then click on 'Save File' and then click on 'OK'.

  • Click on 'Show in folder' from up arrow key once the set-up file is downloaded.

  • Then switch to the downloads folder, where the user will double click on Marg Setup i.e. MARGERPSETUP zip file.
  • Then click on 'Run'.

  • The software should be closed at the time of updating Marg software.
  • Once entered on zip file, the user will get an exe of ERP Set-up and in order to run this exe, the user will double click on it.

  • Once the user will click on Run, a Marg ERP 9+ Setup Wizard window will get open.
  • Click on 'Next'.

  • The user will click on 'I accept the agreement' after reading it carefully.
  • Then click on 'Next'.

  • Here, the user will define the path where existing Marg ERP 9+ software is being installed. For e.g. E drive path is already being defined here.

  • The user can view this path in the properties by right clicking on the software icon.
  • Here, the user can view that the software is installed in the path mentioned in ‘Start in’. Just copy this path from here.

Fig. 1.1 Process to Update Marg ERP Software

  • Now, it is asking you to create a Desktop icon.
  • So, if the user need t to create desktop icon then you will tick on this box otherwise let it remain untick >> Then click on “Next”.

NoteIn case of update software, there is no need for the user to create an icon on the desktop as it has already been created there.

  • Now, do 'Yes' to this folder exists window.

  • And then click on 'Install'.
  • Then click on 'Finish'.


Fig. 1.2 Process to Update Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.3 Process to Update Marg ERP Software

  • And finally, the Marg ERP 9+ software will get updated. Here, the user can view now that the date mentioned on the website and in the Software are same.

Fig. 1.4 View of Updated Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.5 View of Main Home screen of Marg ERP Software

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