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How to set General Reminder in Marg Software?



Overview & Benefits Of General Reminders In Marg Erp Software

Process of Setting General Reminders in Marg Erp Software


General Reminders option is used basically to set the general reminders as in our daily working there are some fixed payments which need to be paid on regular basis for e.g. keeping track on multiple payable bills like Mobile Bills, Electricity Bills, Newspaper bills, Credit card bills, Party collection/ Payment, etc.

Sometimes the user forgets to make the payment before due dates so to avoid the penalty the user can maintain the reminders so that once the General reminders is being set in Marg ERP software then the user can get an Alert/Report from software before due date or the criteria which is being defined at the time of creation of General reminder.


In order to use this General Reminder option,

  • Go to Masters >> General Reminders.Press Enter.

The user can view four options under General Reminders:

Bill Master





In order to add the General reminder first the user will click on Add button after that the below mention fields will be highlighted and then the user can put the data as per the requirement.

  • Account Name: Define the name of account such as (NDPL, Electricity Bill, Reliance Bill, ICICI Credit Card)
  • Group Name: Define the Group under which it falls.
  • Address: Define the address where the bills is required to be submitted.
  • Contact No: Mention the contact number of concerned person.
  • Bill Type: Select the Payment period of the bill.

One Time




Half Yearly


  • Due Date: Mention the due date of Bill when the bill will be due for payment.
  • Auto Reminder (No of days): Mention the days so that the software will Auto remind for payment of the particular bill.
  • Bill Amount: Define the Bill amount which the user is required to pay/receive.
  • Bill Amount Type (Fixed) (Lump sum): Define the Amount type i.e. Fixed or Lump sum

  • Then Click on Save in order to save the changes.

  • The user can also edit or do the modifications as per the requirement in the Bill Master Window.


Once the user has define the bill master then if the user needs to get the consolidate report of all the reminders. Then the user can get this report from going to

  • Masters >> General Reminders >> Reminders

Fig. 1.5 Menu View to Reminders Option in Marg ERP Software

  • A “Bill Transactions Reminder” window will appear in which the user will firstly put the date after that the user can get the report of all the due bills with their details.
  • Then click on “Show”. Here, all the pending or upcoming bills will appear.
  • Suppose the user has done the payment of Electricity Bill so the user will click on Edit. Define the Payment Date i.e. 19-3-18. Then select the Mode of Payment like Cash, Cheque, Draft, Net Banking i.e. like Select “Net banking”. Define the reference no. [1234567890]. Then define the amount being payed and any remark if as per the requirement.
  • Then click on “Okay”. And then if the user will go on reminders.
  • Define the date 25-03-16. Then here the user can view that the bill is finalized.

Fig. 1.6 View of Bill Transactions Reminder Window in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.7 View of Bill Transactions Reminder Window in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.8 Process to Save the Final Bill in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.9 Saving the Changes in the Final Bill in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.10 Changes Successfully Saved in Marg ERP Software


Search option for general reminders is used to search a particular bill.

  • For that go to Masters >> General Reminders >> Search

Fig. 1.11 Menu View to Search Option in Marg ERP Software

  • The user can search any bill  on the basis of following conditions:-

Payment Date

Amount Paid

Cheque /DD No:

Bill No:            

Fig. 1.12 Process to Search Bill in Marg ERP Software


The user can also view, print or export the Consolidate Report of all the Pending Bills in excel format.

  • For that go to Masters >> General Reminders >> Report. Press Enter.

Fig. 1.13 Menu View to see Pending Bill Reports in Marg ERP Software

  • If the user requires to check the consolidate or detail report of all the bills which is being updated in our General reminder then with the help of this report the user can get all the report.

Fig. 1.14 View of Bill Details Window in Marg ERP Software

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