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Frequently Asked Questions

Marg Erp can Auto-Populate your GSTR 3B. You can simply review, edit and finalize your GSTR 3B.You can then copy these values and file your form on the government portal. Just Click here to generate GSTR 3B.

1. Update GST Patch in the Software.

2. Update Marg Software with the Latest Version.

3. Click Here to enable GST Returns. 

No, Marg Erp Ltd. is Providing GSTR3B Facility for July & August Month for free. There is no hidden cost.

1. If you have Active Internet Connection then GST Patch will auto download through Server File.

2.  Click Here to Update GST Patch Directly from Software.

Click Here to Download and Update GST Patch in Marg Software.

GSTR 3B must be filed every 20th, 22nd, and 24th of the subsequent month.

In GSTR 3B, Data has to be filed as Net Amount i.e. Value of Taxable Supplies = Value of Invoices + value of Debit Notes – value of Credit Notes + value of Advances Received for which invoices have not been issued in the same month – value of Advances Adjusted against invoices.

So, suppose if any invoice is issued and further in respect of that invoice other documents like credit note, debit note etc. are issued then the impact of those further issued documents has to be adjusted against the amount of invoice and net amount has to be uploaded.

As per instruction in regard to GSTR 3B any amendment in Invoice Issued has to be Adjusted against the Invoice Amount and the Net Adjusted Amount has to be display and no amendment will be need to display separately.

GSTR 3B can be filed by Logging-on to GSTN Common Portal.

No, All the details in GSTR 3B will be Self Declared in Summary manner and the Taxes will be paid based on the table 6 of GSTR 3B (refer to the Rules as available on the GST Council or CBEC website, applicable for GSTR 3B Form).

GSTR 3B is mandatory to be filed by all Normal and Casual Tax Payers even if there is No Business in the Particular Tax Period.

No, to ensure that the furnished data is saved in a partially complete GSTR 3B, a tax payer is required to Click on Save GSTR 3B before closing the form.

No, so before Submitting take extra care. Adjustments can be done in GSTR-1, 2 .

Value Of Taxable Supply = Value of Invoices + Value of Debit Notes –Value of Credit Notes + Value of Advances Received – Value of Advances adjusted against Invoices.


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