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How to change Tax Structure in GST?



· First step: Update Marg ERP Software with New Version of ERP 9+

· Second Step: Press F3 On company to Define GST No.

· Third Step: Go to Reports => Management Report => Utilities => Activate India GST => Type (ACTIVATE INDIA GST) => Enter

· Fourth Step: Here, your default type of Tax is auto created after implementation of GST in software => Then create HSN code according to your trade  with F2 function key=> Then Define Percentage amount of SGST /CGST in HSN Code

· Fifth Step : Change tax in bulk on all items in software with change in tax with HSN code (press enter then define percentage of tax)

· Sixth Step : Change item wise HSN Code Master => Press enter on item => Define tax% with taxable /tax paid/exempt => Enter

Now your GST is implemented in Marg ERP+ Software

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