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Home > Margerp > Gst Queries > If ' Cash Sale and Purchase Party State / GST Head Mis-Match ' alert appear while generating Gstr 1 then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?

If ' Cash Sale and Purchase Party State / GST Head Mis-Match ' alert appear while generating Gstr 1 then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?



In Marg Software if ' Cash Sale and Purchase Party State / GST Head Mis-Match ' alert appear while generating Gstr 1 then it can be resolved easily.


This issue appears when Bill type (Local / Cetral) in Sale Bill is different from Party GST No or State mentioned in Party Ledger.

  • The user can view Bill type is 'Central'.

  • In Ledger Details of 'Ahuja Medicine Center', the user can view 'GST Heading' and 'State' is for 'Delhi'.


The user needs to either correct Bill Type or Modify Party Gst No / State in Ledger Details

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