Home > Margerp > Gst Queries > How to resolve error of ' Invalid Place of Supply ' which appears while generating GSTR 1 in excel in Marg Software ?
This error appears due to entering wrong GSTIN number and the State in party details.
To resolve this error the user has to follow the below steps:
1. Go to Masters > Ledger Master > Modify Ledger. Press Enter.
2. A Ledger Alteration window will appear. Press 'F3' function key on the selected ledger.
3. Select Ledger Details.
4. A modify ledger window will appear. Click on Modify Tab.
5. Now, user needs to correct GSTIN No. and the state code of the party.
6. Then press Ctrl+W to save the changes.
After following the above steps, the error of 'Invalid place of supply' will be resolved.