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How to Upload GSTR1 on Offline Tool through Marg Software ?



Introduction: Filling GSTR-1

Export the GSTR-1 data from Marg ERP software

Process to Download offline Utility Tool & Import the date to the GST


  • person Registered under GST is required to file returns every month. Filing of GST Returns has been simplified for all tax payers with the new GST tax regime. Basically, there are three steps to file the GST return online:
  • Export the GSTR-1 data from the Marg ERP Software
  • Process to Download Offline Utility Tool & Import the data to the GST Offline Tool to generate JSON file and File the Returns on the GST Portal.

**Important Points to Remember**

At the time of uploading GSTR-1 online, the following points one must remember which are mentioned as below:

  • Internet Connectivity must be there.
  • Ensure that Marg ERP Software is updated with latest Version which can be downloaded with the help of our Marg website.

Detailed Process to Upload GSTR-1 on GST Portal through Marg ERP Software

a) B2B/B2C/CDN Nill entries in Exemp : Select, if the user wants to export separate details of nil rated entries in excel.

b) Include HSN Summary : Select, if the user wants to export HSN Summary in excel.

c) Include -ve figures in HSN Sheet : Select, if the user wants to include -ve value of HSN in HSN summary details.

d) Include Document details :  Select, If the user wants to Export document details in excel.

e) Exclude Misc. Expenses from bill : Select, if the user wants to exclude misc. expenses from the bill in excel.

Then click on 'Start' button.

In order to download the offline utility tool, the user will visit the government website i.e. https://www.gst.gov.in/

  • Then click on downloads > Offline Tool > Return Offline Tool.

  • Click on "Download".

  • Here, the user can view that it is asking “Are you sure you want to download this utility?” The user will click onProceed”.
  • So, the user can see that the Offline tool is downloading.

  • Once the offline tool is being downloaded, go to Downloads folder >> the user can view a zip file is shown here > Right click on that and select extract here option.
  • Now, the folder is been extracted i.e. GST offline tool.
  • The user will open the folder by double clicking on it and now install the GST offline tool by double clicking on it and then simply click on finish once the installation has been completed. The user can view the GST offline tool icon at the desktop.
  • Now Run the offline tool by simply double clicking on it and then click on 'New'Button.

  • Then, a File Returns window will appear.

a) GSTIN of Supplier: - Enter the GST No. of the supplier.

b) Financial Year: - Select the financial year i.e. for which financial year the returns needs to be filed.

C) Tax Period: - Select the Tax period i.e. for which month the returns needs to be filed.

Then click onProceed”.

  • Thereafter, a window of warning "Please confirm your details before you proceed". Click on "Yes".

  • Now, click on Import Files”.

Then click on “Import Excel” and select the excel file that has been generated.

  • Click on “Open” tab.

  • Here, the user can view that it is asking “Are you sure you want to save the data” so enter on “Yes”.

  • Now, the user can view that the import is being processed.

Note: In this file if the user has found any errors then those errors will be shown here.

  • Click on "Ok".

  • Now, the data has been successfully imported.

  • Now, afterwards click on “View Summary” and it will show all data summaries here.

  • The user can view that how many no: of Invoices are there in B2B, how many no: of Invoices in B2C large i.e. the complete summary of data can be viewed here. 
  • Now, click on “Generate file”.

  • Then, user will click on the given link to download created JSON file.

  • A 'File download' window will appear. Click on "Save" to save the JSON file.

  • In next, the user will select file location where the user needs to save the file.
  • Then click on "Save".

  • The Download has been completed. Click on "Close" tab.


  • Once the JSON file has been created then after that login to the GST Portal. Here, enter the username, password and whatever digit is shown here enter that here and simply click on login button. 


  • Then Go to Services > Click on “Returns Dashboard”.

  • Select the Return Filing period for now select the month July and then click on "Search". 

Note:- If the user wants to ulpload Returns of multiple month then the user has to select the last month of the Return in 'Return Filling Period'.

  • Now click on “Prepare Offline” under GSTR-1.

  • Now click on choose file.

    Then select that JSON file which was created through offline tool and then click on Open.

    So, here the user can view in status software is showing processed and also which date and at which time and at with Reference id the invoices has been uploaded i.e. Now from here the invoices has been uploaded which means that the GSTR-1 has been filed.

    So in this way, the user can filed Returns by using offline utility.

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