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If Consolidated Sale Taxable value does not match with Gstr1 Taxable value then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?




This issue appear if the user has created entry from Brk/Expiry Issue which is treated as Sale in Gstr1 but do not effect in Consolidated Sales Book.

Fig.1 View of Taxable value of sales in Gstr1 Rs.30000 including Brk/Exp entry.

Fig.2 View of Taxable Value of Sales in Consolidated Sales Book is Rs 10000. The Difference of Rs.20000 is of Brk/Exp Issue Entry. 

In order to resolve this issue, the user needs to  Click Here.

After following the above link, Consolidated Sales Book Taxable value will be matched will Gstr1 Taxable Value.

Fig. 3 View of Gstr1 Taxable value Rs.10000.

Fig. 4 View of Consolidated Sale Book Taxable Value Rs.10000.

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