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How to generate GSTR 1 B2B in excel format in Marg Software?


  • Go to GST > GSTR 1.

  • A 'Marg GST Summary' window will appear. 
  • The user will feed date range as per the requirement.
  • Click on 'Show'.

  • The user will press 'Enter' key on 'B2B Heading'.

  • In the next window, B2B details will appear. 
  • The user will click on the 'Excel' tab.

  • A 'GSTR 1' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'Detailed'.
  • Now, click on 'Okay'.

  • A 'MARG ERP 9+ Alert' window will appear. Click on 'Ok'.

After following the above steps, the GSTR 1 B2B details will get generated into excel format.

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