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How to Generate GSTR 2 CSV File in Marg Software ?



1. Go to Taxation > GSTR 2.

2. Marg GST Summary window will appear. Feed period of the report. Click on the 'Show' tab.

3. A selected date return will appear. Click on the "GSTR2 Returns" tab.

4. In the next window user will click 'GSTN CSV sheets'.

5. Click on the Start tab to generating GSTR2 in CSV Format.

6. MARG ERP 9+ Alert! window will appear. Click on 'Yes' to prepare the CSV sheets.

7. In the next window, view the path of the file from where it is saved. Click on OK.

After following the above steps the GSTR2 CSV files get generated and saved in the GST Return folder under Marg folder.

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