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How to generate GSTR 3B in eReturn format in Marg ERP Software ?


  • Go to GST > GSTR 3B.

  • In 'Report Format' option, the user will select 'Govt Format GSTR-3B'.

  • In 'Return Option', the user will select the time period format for which report needs to be viewed.
  • Suppose select 'Monthly'.
  •  Click on 'Okay' button.

The user will select the options as per the requirement.

a. Select Month: The user will select the Month for which report needs to be generated.

b. From - To: The user will mention the date range of the report for which report needs to be viewed.

c. ITC From: The user will select the report from which ITC needs to be Claimed.

d. Series: The user will select 'Yes' to view for particular series otherwise keep it as 'No'.  

e. Path to Save: The user will select 'Yes' to mention the path for saving report otherwise keep it as 'No'.

f. E-mail To: The user will mention the E-Mail ID to mail the report.

g. Send E-mail: The user will select 'Yes' to mail the report otherwise keep it as 'No'

Click on 'eReturn' button.

After following the above steps, the user can view GSTR 3B will get generated in eReturn Format in Marg ERP Software.

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