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1. What is GSTR-4?

GSTR-4 is a GST Return that has to be filed by a Composition Dealer. Unlike a normal taxpayer who needs to furnish 3 monthly returns,

A dealer opting for the composition scheme is required to furnish only 1 return which is GSTR-4.

2. Who should file GSTR-4?

A taxpayer opting for the Composition Scheme is required to file GSTR-4

>Turnover under Rs 1.5 Cr to file quarterly GSTR-1  ( EXAMPLE :BINOD COMPANYSALES TURNOVER :1.5 CR. LIKE DATA AS ON:1-04-2016 TO 31-03-2017)


>Turnover above Rs 1.5 Cr to file monthly GSTR-1.


3.GSTR-4 due dates

Period (Quarterly) Due dates

July- Sept 31st Dec 2017

Oct- Dec 15th Feb 2018

Jan- Mar 30th April 2018


4.GSTR-4 Filing

The GST Portal has recently started the offline process for GSTR-4 filing. Online facility is also expected to be available soon.


5.GSTR-4 Offline Filing Process

GSTR-4 Offline Filing tool can be downloaded from the GST Portal. Login is not required.

There are 7 steps of filing:

1.Downloading & Installation the GSTR4 Offline Tool

2.Entering details in the GSTR4 Offline Tool

3.Validating Details

4.Creating the JSON File

5.Upload JSON file on GST Portal

6.Open Downloaded Return File for GSTR4

7.Submission and Filing of GSTR4


6. What if GSTR-4 is not filed?

A penalty of Rs. 200 per day is levied if the GSTR-4 is not filed.


The maximum penalty that can be charged is  Rs. 5,000.


Also, if the GSTR-4 is not filed for a given quarter, then the taxpayer cannot file the next quarter’s return.


7. How to revise GSTR-4?

GSTR-4 cannot be revised after filing on the GSTN Portal. Any mistake in the return can be revised in the next month’s return only. It means that.

 if a mistake is made in the GSTR-4 filed for the July-September quarter, the rectification for the same can be made only when filing the next quarter’s GSTR-4.


8.Parts of the GSTR-4 Offline Utility Meaning & how to fill this forms?

>There are 10 tabs in the excel. We will go through them in brief mentioned following:

1.Read Me

>It provides the introduction to the GSTR4 Offline Excel Tool in brief. It also has the instructions and explanations of each of the items in the subsequent sheets.

2.Home Tab

This is the main page where you will generate the JSON file after furnishing all details.


You are required to enter the following fields-



Financial Year from the drop-down list

Tax Period from the drop-down list

All other information will automatically flow from the other tabs.



>Inward Supplies received from a registered supplier (attracting reverse charge).


> Inward Supplies received from an unregistered supplier



> Import of Services


> Debit Notes/Credit Notes (for registered)



> Debit Notes/Credit Notes (for unregistered)


>Tax on outward supplies made

This is the tab for the sales data. Data has to be given on a consolidated basis instead of detailed invoice basis. The composition dealer must enter his net turnover against his relevant tax rate. Net turnover is calculated from total turnover after adjusting advances and goods return.


For example, if he is a manufacturer, he will enter his sales against the 2% rate. Taxes will be calculated automatically.



>Advance amount paid for reverse charge supplies in the tax period

This tab will contain details of advance amount paid for reverse charge supplies in the tax period.


Place of supply, rate, type of supply (inter or intra state) must be selected from the drop-down list along with gross advance value. Taxes will be calculated automatically.


>Advance amount on which tax was paid in earlier period but invoice has been received in the current period

This tab is regarding advances on which tax was paid in earlier period but invoice has been received in the current period, i.e., for normal advances paid on purchases which do not attract reverse charge.

Generate the return in CSV/Excel Returns format

Once the changes are made, generate the return containing only those invoices in which changes have been made in CSV/Excel Returns Format.

  1. Convert the CSV/Excel in JSON Format through GST Offline Utility Tool

Now upload the file with the help of GST Offline Utility Tool and convert the CSV/Excel R

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