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How to print Company Name in hindi in Marg Software ?



In Marg ERP software user can easily print company name in Hindi,In order to print company name in Hindi user needs to follow below steps:-

1.  Go to Google and download the Kruti Dev font. 

2.  Copy Font which downloaded from google and paste and install it into Marg font Folder and also paste into Fonts folder in C drive.

3. Open notepad and write company name in Hindi language and copy it.

4. Go to List of Company(Press Alt+X)> All company will be appear > Then press "F3" function key on selected company > Company details window will appear >Then user will paste the company name which is copy from the notepad in hindi font  > Then press Ctrl+W for save details.

5. Go to Master > MargSetup > Self Format > Feed current date as password in reverse format > Select format Type > Select format > Bill Format > Header > Use command  .DrawText(5,30,100,334,  (@COMPNAME)   ,"Kruti Dev 021",16,N, rgb(18,4,114))  > Then press Ctrl+W and click on Save.

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