Home > Margerp > Gui Format > How to Print Signature on Bill Format of Marg ERP Software ?
Points to be Remember:
1. The user can print the signature in image format only.
2. Signature Photo must be in 'PNG/JPG' format.
In order to print the Signature on Bill Format, the user needs to follow the below steps:
Now, the user will use the command '.DrawPicture(750,530,1020,730,'\MARG\PHOTO\IMAGE.PNG',2,-45)'.
Description of the command.
a. Marg: The user will mention the name of the Marg Software folder.
b. Photo: The user will mention the name of a folder name that contains the image.
c. Image: The user will mention the Image name.
Note: Image should be in Marg folder > Photo.
After following the above steps, the user can view Signature will get printed on Bill Format of Marg ERP Software.