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How to remove Decimal from Any Command in Bill Printing in Marg Software ?



With the help of Marg Software the user can either print the decimal with the values at the time of printing or can remove it as per the requirement. Also, the user can remove or add decimals from the different commands. 

In order to remove decimal from the command of Rate, the user needs to follow the given steps:

  • Firstly, Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Self Format

  • A 'Self Format' dialog box will appear. Enter the Password.

  • A 'Formats' window will appear.
  • The user will select Invoice Format- GUI

  • An 'Invoice Format- GUI' window will appear.
  • In ‘Format’, enter the name of the bill format.
  • Suppose mention 'AC'. Press 'Enter'.

  • The user will select 'Bill Format'.

  • A 'Bill Format GUI' window will appear in which the user will click on 'Item'.

  • Suppose user need to remove the decimal from the rate of the item, so selected that command and the highlighted pixel.

Note: Here 2 denotes the number of decimal places required in the bill printing.

  • Now the user needs to change that pixel with '0' (to remove the decimal places).Press 'Ctrl+W' to save.

  • The user will click on 'Save'.

After following the above steps, the user can view that decimals has been removed from the rate and round off the rate itself.

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