Home > Margerp > Gui Format > How to print Net Amount ( Rate*Qty-Disc+Tax ) in Bill format in Marg Software ?
Now, suppose the user needs to put the command of Net Amount just below the CGST so select and copy the command of CGST .
Fig. 1.1 View of pasting new command on existing Command in Marg Software.
After following the above steps, the user can Print Net Amount ( RATE*QTY-DISC+TAX ) in Bill Format in Marg Software.
1. Go to Masters > Marg Setup > Self format.
2. A 'Self Format' dialog box will appear. Enter the Password.
3. A 'Formats' window will appear. The user will select 'Invoice Format- GUI'.
4. An 'Invoice Format- GUI' window will appear. In ‘Format’ field, enter the name of the format.
5. Now select ‘Bill Format’.
6. A 'Bill Format GUI- AC' window will appear. The user will select ‘Item’.
7. The user will use the command '< SB_AMO-SB_DISI+(SB_AMO-SB_DISI)*SB_TAX/100,14,2 >'.
8. Now, press 'Ctrl+W' key in order to save it.
9. Then click on 'Save' to save the changes.